Stop the Credit Desert Bill!

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Oppose H.B. 24-1148

STOP H.B. 24-1148!

As inflation rises and Coloradans struggle to make ends meet, this bill threatens to restrict access to affordable loans for hardworking residents facing financial needs like home or car repairs, a car purchase, moving expenses, and more. This bill disproportionately affects residents who need the most help!

With over a million residents already struggling to secure fair, responsible loans, we cannot afford to lose access to vital credit resources.

  • 22 out of the 64 counties in Colorado are classified as either credit insecure or credit at-risk by the Federal Reserve. This means that nearly a third of the state already has difficulty accessing credit.
  • The bill author's Aurora district (Rep. Mike Weissman) - is one, if not the, most diverse district in Colorado; the median earnings are just above $40,000, and the average credit score is 10 points lower than the national average.
  • The legislature already voted to limit the number of banks that can offer loans in Colorado during last year's session, making access to credit even more scarce. H.B. 24-1148 narrowly targets a small number of responsible lenders in Colorado who provide affordable credit. Installment loans provided by these lenders fulfill an essential role for Coloradans, providing them with options to increase their financial security.
Sign the Petition!

Oppose H.B. 24-1148 to protect financial security for all Coloradans!